The World’s Oldest Lawyers: A Look at Those Who Practiced Law Beyond 100 Years Old

Lawyer Blog

Discover the inspiring stories of the world’s oldest lawyers who have practiced law beyond 100 years old. From their longevity secrets to their notable achievements, learn how they have made their mark in the legal profession.

The legal profession has long been associated with rigorous demands and long hours, yet there are a select few who have managed to practice law well into their centenarian years. Here, we take a closer look at some of the world’s oldest lawyers and the inspiring stories that have come to define their longevity.

  1. Russell “Dusty” Crane – 103 Years Old

Russell “Dusty” Crane is widely considered to be the world’s oldest practicing lawyer. He is a graduate of Harvard Law School and has practiced law for over 80 years. Despite his age, Crane continues to work as a solo practitioner in Kansas City, Missouri. He attributes his longevity to staying active and maintaining a positive attitude.

  1. Franz Karaman – 102 Years Old

Franz Karaman is another inspiring example of a centenarian lawyer. A graduate of Loyola Law School, he worked as a lawyer in California for over 70 years. In addition to his legal career, Karaman is also a renowned pianist and composer. He credits his longevity to healthy living, daily exercise, and pursuing his passions.

  1. Wesley E. Brown – 104 Years Old

Wesley E. Brown was a federal judge who made headlines for his long and distinguished career. He was appointed to the United States District Court for the District of Kansas in 1962 and served for over 50 years, until his retirement in 2013 at the age of 104. Brown was known for his strict courtroom demeanor and his unwavering commitment to justice.

  1. Nathaniel R. Jones – 93 Years Old

Nathaniel R. Jones is a retired judge who served on the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit. He practiced law for over 50 years and played a key role in the civil rights movement. In addition to his legal career, Jones is also an accomplished writer and lecturer. He attributes his longevity to his faith, his family, and his commitment to social justice.

  1. Anthony “Tony” Marshall – 100 Years Old

Anthony “Tony” Marshall was a New York City lawyer who made headlines for his involvement in the high-profile Brooke Astor case. He practiced law for over 60 years and was known for his sharp mind and quick wit. Despite his age, Marshall remained active in the legal community until his passing in 2014.


These remarkable lawyers have not only defied the odds by practicing law beyond 100 years old, but they have also left their mark on the legal profession. Whether it’s their commitment to justice, their pursuit of passion, or their unwavering spirit, these centenarian lawyers serve as an inspiration to us all. Their stories remind us that age is just a number and that anything is possible with hard work, determination, and a positive outlook.